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Review: Dog and Rooster Web Design - Jack Jung

Don't play victim to a situation you created
Update 3/30/2023

I received an email today from a Mr Cacho at Dog and Rooster asking me to take this review down because Mr Jack Jung, former CEO has left the company and it is under new management. Since I'd prefer to keep this up, at least for the time being, I want to make it clear to everyone who bothers to read this (and I can't imagine why anyone would bother) that my previous issue was with Jack Jung in his capacity as CEO and I have no opinion on the new management of the company other than to wish them well.

11/13/2019 aka aka "Dog and Rooster, Inc" aka "Dog and Rooster Studio" is also known as "Website Design San Diego"

Lawsuit Update: According to "Trellis," on February 27, 2020, Defendant Todd Green was awarded attorneys fees and costs in the amount of $16,553.50.

Kudos to Mr Todd Green for standing up to the bullying by Jack Jung of Dog and Rooster Web Design. This saga began when Jung would not allow Mr Green to post a negative review of Mr Jung's business. Mr Green persisted in trying to post a review, and then Jung sued Green for defamation and lost.

Can you be sued over a Yelp or Google review? Yes

Most businesses cannot afford to ignore their reviews, but some are overzealous in policing them. And worse, some business owners are trying to hijack our judicial system to silence, intimidate and harass critics of theirs. 

Many business owners feel like the game is rigged against them by Yelp. They can't control Yelp, so they seek to remove all the negative reviews posted on Yelp about their business, either through appeals to Yelp about "fake" reviews or through whining, cajoling, or threatening reviewers.

The subject of this blog post is currently suing someone for defamation over negative reviews. He may ultimately prevail, or not and the suit has already partially survived a SLAPP motion. 

Frankly it looks like it could ultimately go either way, but it does appear as if it all began with an attempt by a former client to post a negative review that wouldn't be quickly removed. Then it got worse.

Dog and Rooster, Inc.
dogandrooster <dot> com
5755 Oberlin Drive Suite 106, San Diego, CA 92121

TL;DR -- Summary

I'm NOT casting aspersions on Mr Jack Jung's business, any work he has done, or him personally. I am expressing an opinion -- that Mr Jung has shown bad judgment:

1. For disabling the right-click menu on his web site
2. For his aggressive moderation of review comments, which has caused some blowback and will likely continue to do so if he persists.

Dog and Rooster defamation lawsuit against a former client

Jack Jung of Dog and Rooster Web Design is currently suing one of his former clients over a bad review. Here are the business owner's own words in response to a review on Google: 

"Writing reviews of your experience with business is a constitutional right but writing fake reviews to sabotage businesses is illegal. Our legal team is communicating with Google to find the identification of this fake reviewer. It is unfortunate that we have to spend our valuable time and energy on such unethical activities."

Honest review posted by one of Dog and Rooster Web Design clients 

Jack Jung of Dog and Rooster Studio - Web Design claims he is responding to a "fake" review here, but in fact it was posted by a former client who is obviously very unhappy with the work that was done; the same client that Dog and Rooster Web Design is currently suing for defamation
(Case 37-2019-00031852-CU-DF-CTL).  

Update 12/15/19:
I made a promise to Mr Jung and delivered on it: 

Now that the point has been made (about overcoming Jack Jung's attempts at censorship), I have removed the SEO (search engine optimization) that caused this post to appear at the top of the search results. I have also made substantial edits to this post; deleting the account of my personal experience with Mr Jung and his web site, as well as some embarrassing quotes from Mr Jung that were taken from my correspondence with him. 

However this post about Mr Jung's lawsuit, and the review of Dog and Rooster Studio - Web Design that I posted to Google will remain. If Mr Jung doesn't like it, he should remember this:

Don't play victim to a situation you created
That's right, Jack.
Don't play victim to the circumstances YOU created.
Lawsuit Update: According to "Trellis," on February 27, 2020, Defendant Todd Green was awarded attorneys fees and costs in the amount of $16,553.50.
Kudos to Mr Todd Green for standing up to the bullying by Jack Jung.



The Ken Padgett Blog

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Ken Padgett
Historian - Freelance Writer - Webmaster