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Showing posts from March, 2012

An email from the Right Wing Propaganda Machine

Here's an email I received recently: Trump Explains Dumbo Care No  one can sum it up better than Trump Let me get this straight . . .  We're going to be  "gifted" with a health care plan we are  forced  to purchase  and fined  if we don't,  Which purportedly  covers at least ten  million more people, without  adding a  single new doctor, but  provides for 16,000  new IRS agents,  written by a  committee whose chairman says he doesn't  understand it,  passed  by a Congress that  didn't read  it but exempted  themselves from it,  and signed by a Dumbo President  who  smokes, with funding  administered by a treasury chief who didn't  pay his taxes,  for which we'll be  taxed  for four years before any benefits take  effect,  by a government  which has already  bankrupted Social Security and Medicare...

The 2012 Republican Platform

1. Higher taxes for poor and working people 2. Lower taxes for the rich 3. A "race to the bottom" for wages and benefits 4. Destroy public and private unions 5. Pass laws that make it easy for companies to send jobs overseas 6. Replace employer-provided health insurance with a tax deduction for individual "Health Savings Accounts" paid for by employees 7. "Free Market" healthcare with no regulation 8. Replace public education with private schools and home schooling 9. No investment in crumbling public infrastructure such as highways, bridges, and sewer systems 10. Pass laws and weaken regulations that enable companies to further pollute the environment 11. No research or investment in alternative energy sources 12. Increase "welfare for corporations" via defense spending 13. Suppress likely Democrat voters via photo ID laws, voter intimidation, and "scrubbing" voter lists 14. Divide the American people on cultural issues 15. Instill and...

The Ken Padgett Blog

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Ken Padgett
Historian - Freelance Writer - Webmaster