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Showing posts from September, 2015

Freedom FROM Religion

Christian values are not American values. The belief that America is a 'Christian nation' is a very dangerous one because it's wrong and it justifies intolerance against other religions as well as those who have no religion. The First Amendment begins, “…no law respecting the establishment of religion" then it says "or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." The wording was arranged that way for a reason. Clearly, freedom FROM religion comes before freedom of religion. The Pilgrims came to America to get away from religious intolerance, but as soon as they got here they started doing the same things to others who were not of their faith. At the time the Constitution was written, there were areas in America that were run by different theocracies.  In Massachusetts, the Congregationalist establishment enforced taxation for its benefit on all believers and expelled or even put to death those who would not accede to its beliefs. The founding fathers saw re...

Karl Marx Was Right

Religion truly is "the opium of the people" County clerk Kim Davis has served her God well and feels the narcotic effects of His love.  Thank you Jesus! Not so long ago Kim was quite the sinner herself, but she fulfilled her mother-in-law's dying wish to go to church and was inspired to end her wicked ways. Now she won't issue marriage licenses because she says her God doesn't want gays to get married .  Why pick on gays and not divorcees too? After all, Kim's God thinks divorce is wrong. Kim has been divorced several times herself, but that was before she found God. So nevermind .  Kim expects everyone to accomodate HER religious beliefs, no matter how much it might inconvenience others. And that's really the problem here. People have a right to THINK whatever they want but when their actions impose burdens on others, then it's no longer a civil right that everyone else has to respect. We can choose to accomodate them as indivi...

The Ken Padgett Blog

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Ken Padgett
Historian - Freelance Writer - Webmaster