Fans of Mystery Science Theater 3,000 and Rifftrax may think that they invented the genre, but it was Jay Curtis and Bruce Mueller who had the first TV show based on telling jokes abo ut bad movies while viewing them . In 1980, the two film editors at XETV Channel 6 created a TV show called Disasterpiece Theat re that was broadcast from Tijuana into San Diego. T hey "riffed" on really bad movies long before Mystery Science Theater 3000 premiered in 1988. Jay Curtis hosting Disasterpiece Theatre as Sal-U-Lloyd The show consisted of host segments and sketches with Sal-U-Lloyd (Curtis), The Other Guy (M ueller) , and a variety of special guests; including Whoopie Goldberg, Richard Simmons and Michael Medved. Jokes were delivered during the movies by text overlay and by re-dubbing the audio to include sound effects, comic voices, and jokes. Sal wore a black suit and white Capezio dance shoes and drove an Edsel. A variety of oddball characters we...
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